wow-za! it's been a bit since i have written and i left on such a weird note. i can assure you that all is well. yes, i had a moment of embarrassment that was followed by many moments of happiness.
let's see...dd and i saw horse feathers and sufjan stevens this weekend. amazing! i always forget how good live music is until i am standing there shaking my hips and screaming for more. heads out of the gutter...maybe only mine went there.
what else...i had a nice catch up with j and i saw d as well. we bailed on a show for some delicious sushi. all was well in the world.
i am diligently planning my winter escape. i think i just booked my last hotel! dd and i were talking about it. she was saying how brave i am to be traveling so far from home alone and for so long. you know, if i had it my way, i wouldn't be traveling solo...but i can't let that hold me back. i am officially the only single person in my several groups of friends. it's weird and hard and amazing and crazy and lonely and freeing...it changes day to day.
most days i am so grateful for my independence. i am thankful that i escaped several relationships that weren't right for me or the men invloved...when all i thought i wanted was to love and be loved. i do want both of those things, but in such different ways now. my time will come. in the meantime i am going to start counting down the days to my crazy holiday.
i am surprising myself more and more everyday. in some ways i am shocked that i have gotten this far without bailing. i just have to get on that plane and then another plane and then another...
and just in case you have been missing mugi...this is what much of our weekend looked like. i did make the most amazing beef stew from farmers market ingredients. it was a follow-up to the short ribs from last weekend. i am thinking of roasting a chicken this weekend...it is torture for mugi...that's why she is looking so irritated. don't let her fool you...that dog eats fresh lamb every day of her life!