i'm back from my two weeks in fire island. as i have written before, it was the best use of my tax refund. realizing that a lazy vacation can revitalize the spirit is such a good thing. although, waking up in manhattan today felt good...walking to work felt good...being at work feels good! i was looking forward to wearing heals instead of flip-flops and my calves thanked me! they also thanked me for spinning during lunch. i am thankful for air conditioning and a large tv and a bar only a block away from me! simple things on a daily basis...being lazy has its consequences...luckily, me and my juicer will become fairly well acquainted again this week.
i have four weeks in the hot, hot city and then back to the island. in past years i have spaced my vacations out through the year...while this works for taking small trips all over the place it can also be exhausting for me. typically i am on the road for over 3-4 months a year and the thought of boarding a plane for a vacation makes me weak. this summer was all about staying local and just enjoying what is near. that's not to say that i am not dreaming of paris in the fall, or the himalayan hiking trip being offered for nols alum or escaping to scandanvia for a few weeks...maybe next year. i'm not putting my passport away...just giving it a little rest.
it's been a tough year and finding time for myself has been important but difficult at times. fire island allowed me to take some of the time that i so desperately craved. i'm looking forward to spending august with friends and having summer in the city. there is something really special about the energy in new york in the summer. sometimes it is the distint lack of energy. the buzz seems a little duller and everyone is a touch lethargic. new yorkers lose their edge and give in to ice cream, shorts, and being outwardly happy and dare i say, silly? something about getting caught in a rain storm and feeling the heat break and being a part of it and breaking with it...ahhhh...summer...i'm not sick of you yet!
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