exhale...it's been a busy week! lots of seeing people, openings, drinks, high line time, haircut, acupuncture, cupping...
yes, cupping. i have always wanted to try this and hmmmm...well...i feel better. my back feels more open, but i look like i have been flogged. i am not kidding. if i were to post a picture you would surely think i had been beaten and maybe tortured. it doesn't hurt...now. it was excruciating while annie was doing it. she had to keep reminding me to breathe. i have to say, i have been sleeping better since wednesday and i can move my shoulders more. would i do it again, absolutely! it is long sleeve season after all and i don't have to show my giant hickeys! i don't think it is for the faint of heart...
i am just trying to continue my breathing to get through this week. it is really slamming at work. i welcome the rush of work. it feels great to be producing and problem solving. my weekend is already pretty full and i must, must, must, get so much done around my place. it looks like a bomb went off. suitcases and tote bags exploding with laundry that is begging to be done. i like a good challenge and an even better reward...
i meant to post this image the other day...i went up to the high line the other night and there was a gathering of the amateur astronomers club. they had their telescopes set up and i was able to see venus and the nearly full moon...it was actually full last night. you could also see jupiter rising. pretty amazing.
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