I think I might have found home...dd warned me of this. I can't believe what I have found. I arrived in Bali yesterday afternoon...The drive from the airport was hot and long, but provided some bucolic scenery. Everything is mossy and looks as though it was pulled from the pages of a picture book.
I spent some time puttering about my little villa. It's 2 stories. The first level is a kitchen, outdoor bathroom, sitting area and sunken dining area, perfect for journaling. This floor is surrounded by sliding wooden and glass doors. There is then a staircase in the center of the first floor that leads to the second story. The staircase is flanked by two beds covered in mosquito netting. There aren't any windows. This floor is open to the outside. I can draw the thin silk curtains or pull down the bamboo blinds if it is raining or I need privacy. The house overlooks a pool and beyond that are rice paddies. I can sit outside and watch the workers in the paddies.
I can already understand why people visit and never leave. It is so special. It's not sunny at all right now. It's not about the weather...it's the environment and the peace. It's the sweet dogs that wander into my little house...the croak of the frogs that lulled me to sleep, the lizards that eat up the mosquitos, the giant snail that greeted me on my doorstep last night, the frangipani flowers that float into the pool from the tree above, the cat that walks the half wall along my bedroom, the roosters that begin crowing at five in the morning...
I went into town for dinner last night. I met the most interesting Norwegian man. He is 43 and an author. We talked about the links between astrology, psychology and spirituality. I know...hippy-dippy...totally me! We talked for hours. It wasn't a romantic thing in the least. It was just chatting. He came to Bali on holiday 8 months ago and never left. If I owned my apartment in New York, I might be on the phone with a real estate agent putting it on the market today. Instead, I will dream of living here and work toward it in the future. It's incredibly special.
I feel inspired. This morning I woke up and meditated for 30 minutes or so...then the girls came and made me eggs and a fruit plate. The house has about 6 other neighbors. All are individually owned and some are rented. Green T is the house that I am renting. It includes breakfast being made every day. The girls make breakfast for all of the houses...They come into the kitchen anywhere between 8-10 and make any kind of eggs that I would like and cut up fresh fruit. I opted to eat outside today and to just enjoy the weather. Even though it is overcast it is pleasant.
After breakfast I laid on the straw mat in my living area and meditated again and had a real moment. It was amazing. It was a beginning of digging deep and coming to terms with some things that I had convinced myself were okay. I can be sad, I can be angry, I can be happy, I can be joyful...I can be whoever I want to be. We all can be. There isn't judgement.
I then was poking around my kitchen and discovered that the girls left me a fresh mango! I cut it up and stood in the tiled kitchen barefoot and just devoured it with my hands. So good. This place is something...I don't know what., but I do know that I cracked a new journal today. I haven't written in so long. It felt so good to put words on a physical page.
Okay, so this is sounding a bit like some kind of spiritual journey. That's not the intention, but aren't we all on our own journeys? I am taking this as a path in my journey; a page or maybe a chapter. It's my own adventure and I can make of it what I want. Today I will just be...I will be with me. I kind of like my own company. I'm kind of fun.
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