today is my first full day of 33. my birthday weekend was so lovely. the friday festivities of dinner and drinking were a success and the turnout was beyond what i thought it would be. i really am so blessed to have such amazing friends. it's no wonder that i consider so many friends my family.
saturday was a little rough with a slow recovery in the morning. thank goodness i had acupuncture. it gave me an excuse to lay on a heated table with lavender over my eyes for an hour. i was not a fan of having the needles stuck in my scalp this time, but somehow relaxed.
saturday afternoon we had a little birthday happy hour for a, dd's beau. i didn't last all that long and treated myself to a gluten free pizza for dinner and a super early bedtime! i needed the rest and mugi seemed to need some love too.
sunday was "the day!" i got up super early, took mugi on an amazingly long walk. we purchased a bunch of lilacs on the way home. i am patiently waiting for them to bloom. i then headed to the gym for a birthday spin class and pushed myself to do 45 minutes of weights. it felt good and i rewarded my efforts with a long steam. heaven...
my sunday afternoon was spent with my friend k. i was greeted with 2 dozen of the most beautiful pink roses. such a nice surprise on a sunny day. we wandered around for a bit and then found a cozy cuban restaurant. yum! k knows so much more about the soho area than i do. i think he has eaten at every single restaurant we passed along the way. we wandered back up to the wv and bought a bag of mochi on the way. we played a game where we just sat and watched people and i pretended that i was invisible...we went back to the place where we originally met for a coffee break then noticed that HUB, the bike shop that used to be on morton, was setting up on charles! lucky me! they were giving free tune-ups so we grabbed my neglected bike from the backyard and hauled it over. the only thing they could really fix was the air in the tires. i am thinking that my birthday gift to myself is going to be a silver biria. ahhhh! it is so beautiful! we'll see...but here's to hoping.
dd took me out to moustache for dinner. i even got to blow out a candle! we had such a nice time chatting and she wanted to know what i wanted in my 33rd year. i shared all of my hopes with her...we shall see...
enjoy the silly pics from some of my wandering this weekend and enjoy this insanely amazing spring weather! it was the nicest weather i have ever had on my birthday! it was perfect and i feel hopeful about the coming year.
love to all who made my birthday so incredibly special.
I kind of felt like it was my birthday when I found the Craft Night prosciutto in my fridge yesterday....oh man, good stuff! Thanks for bringing Craft Night to our house!