i woke up a little earlier this morning so i could take a wander through the village and capture the trees in bloom. two of my favorite weeks of the year are when the trees are just bursting with new color and my birthday lands right in the midst of them! so blessed!
i never really count january first as a new year. i count april 11 as the beginning of my year. i really love that my birthday is in spring which signifies renewal. yes, it often rains on my birthday...but for this year i have even learned to embrace that! it's been a year of learning and acceptance.
so, back to my morning...i got up, read my email...and there, in my inbox was a note from my father! i haven't spoken with my father in nearly a year...maybe more? as i said yesterday, we just aren't that close. maybe that will change? maybe it won't...either way it's okay. i always know that i am loved. here is an excerpt from my father's note:
"When you were born, you didn't cry! The room was darkened, and you were so tranquil, serene, curious and quiet when you were born.. Your eyes were wide open, and you were looking around at your new world. You were too curious to cry. I knew then that you were going to be able to handle anything that came your way. Even the doctor and nurses were amazed at your composure. We were also slightly concerned about not hearing your voice, but then a nurse opened the door, and a beam of light was cast upon your little face and you showed your displeasure by crying. I recall holding you right then and there, and saying softly... "it's OK, it's Dad," and you immediately calmed yourself.. Amazing!
Remember the trip we won to Disney World? You loved to travel even back then, and when we were at the hotel you ordered a shrimp cocktail. You liked it so much that you asked about having another one. We were, "oh boy, here goes the budget," but you asked the waiter and he said, "You can have all you want and there's no extra charge. It's all part of the trip you won." You literally lit up and ordered another one, or was that two more? I think we still have coupons from that trip too. Disney's coupons don't expire. The point here is that you weren't afraid to ask for what you wanted, and that's a terrific trait.
When you were born I was 33, the same age as you will be this April 11th. For a few months you will also be half my age. I prefer that to saying I will be double your age."
it seems that everyone i speak to has something exciting to say about 33...who knows...i am just enjoying the flowers right now.
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