
craft night was very productive last night. i love that a group of women can get together and work on different projects for hours. it's really amazing to have input from people you trust and we all work together really well. we had our core group of m, l, dd, and me and were joined by ah and her friend (wink), and v too.
dd taught me a new stitch that changed my life. i finished the embroidery on a soon to be pocket square for k. it's the one with the map of the us of a...and his k is in the midwest near fargo, where he is from, and the e is on the east coast near ct, where i am from. there is a little dotted line connecting the two. i made it for a special event that he has...but i have to finish the sewing this weekend. final image to come...
dd is working on a set of napkins for her friend's wedding. you can see her progress in the shot of the polka-dots...she is amazing and so neat! she has become the leader when it comes to new stitches and fixes along the way. l almost finished one place mat for her mom as a mother's day gift...5 more to go! you can do it! and m was working on the sweetest little onesie with owls. too sweet. ah jumped in embroidering a bib for her sister's baby. super cute!
we had a fun night of crafting and chatting. there was some facebook stalking included as well as story telling. i always feel a little, okay, a lot, happier after crafting with the girls. so fun. i needed a some solid friend time after really feeling sad about d & j.
tonight k and i have dinner with m & j and that baby in bk. i love that baby! she is the sweetest little peanut. so glad i got to give her a quick snuggle last night. best baby ever!
enjoy the weekend! looks like we are in for some showers...
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