Today or yesterday, now...was quite busy. I woke up at the crack of dawn in Bangkok tied on my ratty old Converse and took the the streets again. I walked forever; discovering hidden treats along the way. I ate some more noodles, hustled over the another Wat, bought some fabric and sarongs and then took one last tuk-tuk ride...
Once I was back at the hotel I showered in their dreamy spa took a steam and another shower and dressed for new years in Hong Kong. I didn't have heels with me, so my yellow flats had to step in. I climbed into a cab and said goodbye to one of the most vibrant cities I have ever visited. It is like a video game...sensory overload. I found a smile on my face as I was being herded through the streets or when a cab driver would decline my business because it was too far. Nothing phased me in Bangkok. There was always something amazing to make-up for any of its shortcomings. I am so glad that I made the decision to leave the island and head to a city.
Once I arrived in HK it was a little crazy. I had to buy a train ticket and try to meet a, my friend at the subway station. I tried to stash my stuff in the airport lockers, but it proved too difficult with timing for my flight to Bali this morning. I lugged both carry-ons through the station. A was having me paged...it was kind of hilarious. I couldn't tell if it was my name being called over the loud speaker. She eventually found me and we sat and had a nice cup of tea to ring in the new year.
We then got the call from d & p to meet them at a fancy party. I felt a little shabby dragging my gear into such a swank venue, but i think everyone had been imbibing for so long that they didn't really notice and d & p did most of the schlepping for me. It felt good to not be carrying my bags for a bit. We stayed at the party for a while and then decided it was time to eat. Yes, it was 3 am, but that's what you do!
My local friends found a 24 hour joint and we slurped noodles and drank iced sweet tea. It was heaven. Such fun! You can see that I didn't have time to talk because I was too busy shoveling noodles into my face.
P & d put me in another cab and here I sit in the HK airport...I haven't slept in 24 hours...I did get to take a shower at Cathay's first class lounge. Who knew there were bathtubs in the airport!?
Happy New Year! I think it's going to be a good one. It's the year of the rabbit...and it just feels good already.
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