I have hatched my escape plan from Koh Yao Yai...now nicknamed Iy Yi Yi...
Tonight I have one last massage and then it packing time! I have an 11 am flatbed ride to the 11:30 speedboat to the taxi to the plane to Bangkok! Hoorah! This doesn't seem daunting because soon I will be far from the children and their smoking parents and the leather skinned retirees. I saw a woman light up while breastfeeding her infant at dinner last night. This was a woman with 4 other children and I think she was French. She handed her cigarette off to her husband while she changed sides for the wee-one's meal. She then quickly took it back and inhaled some more. Whatever gets you through the day, I guess. Amazing. Then again, she was staring at me eating my prawns and drinking my wine probably wondering what a young woman was doing on her own at this silly resort. I was wondering the same thing.
I feel so much better now that I have a plan. I took a long swim in the pool and cleared my head. I was having some guilt about bailing on such a beautiful place, but it's not making me happy or relaxed. For some reason I find the prospect of Bangkok so much more appealing. It could be the anonymity that awaits. I like slipping into a crowd and eating street food. There is something that is soothing about that.
I will try to take a few more snaps of this place. If you ever have a herd of children and want to take a beach vacation and just chill this is the place...if you are looking for any adventure at all...even if it is just walking by a local house or popping into a market...mark my words, do not come here!
When I told the sweet woman at the front desk that I would be checking out early she informed me that there was a gentleman in 103 who is traveling alone and perhaps he and I could take a boat ride together. I wish I knew this yesterday! Not for anything romantic, just so I could see some darn islands! I guess the view from the pool will have to do.
I have a feeling that I will return to Thailand in the future...I don't know why...but, I will save all of my beach time for then. I had a great time in Phuket and Phang Nga. M was a great tour guide and I got to see so much. We just kind of tooled around, but his Thai helped tremendously. So cool that I have a neighbor who has a house here. We'll be catching up at the end of the bar in a few weeks.
Now, it's thinking about a party in HK and being reunited with some old friends. I packed a slinky little black dress...shoes? hmmmm...maybe I will find something in Bangkok. I feel as though I deserve a little treat after sweating out a fever for the past 3 days and enduring the sad stares from total strangers.
Despite being alone, I am not feeling lonely. I loved being able to make the call that enough was enough and F this island...I didn't have to consult with anyone, but my own guilt. She said it was okay and that I can see some beaches in Indonesia. Indo-freaking-nesia! Markets, ikat, elephants, yoga, biking, beaching and so much more...
Alright...getting chewed alive by skeeters...I bought some Thai ointment for just this occasion. I bought an extra for m and dd...I laughed to myself thinking of us on the deck in Fire Island slapping away the bugs. Not the most fun thing to bring back, but practical...I'll report back on it's effectiveness.
Until tomorrow...
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