Sunday, December 26, 2010

picture perfect

m and i had a lovely day exploring. i think i got the insiders tour. tomorrow i am off to koh yao yoi on a speedboat! it issupposed to be very chill. i wonder how i will fare for 5 days alone on the beach. i downloaded a few new books to my nook, just in case! i have been loving the crossword app as well. it's a good thing to do when i need a little time to process.

it truly is paradise here. i can't think of another way to describe it. the people are warm, the food is delicious and the scenery is amazing. there is still a lot of that developing country feel, but not in a bad way. in a way that shows promise and hope. the people seem peaceful and not angsty. i think i have much more angst than any of these folks. i am going to work on ridding myself of that and just being.

i am back to thinking about detachment and all that has to offer...the not expecting from others or myself. this seems like a good way to subscribe to life. of course, there are always things that we desire and we want them to turnout a certain way...but in the few days that i have been here i have been able to let go and release myself of many of my own expectations. i still feel the pressure of life...don't get me wrong. there must be a way to manage it though. it's not quest right now...simply something to think about and meditate on.

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