Friday, October 22, 2010

nyquil is my friend

oooh...word to the wise, if your throat is scratchy just stay home. tuesday i woke up not feeling very well...i decided to push through the day...i even met up with j for our sister-sister sushi and a movie date. i dragged myself home and could scarcely breathe. the next morning i wasn't better; i was worse! i called in sick, which i rarely do and drank my way through an entire box of ginger lemon tea. thank goodness for dd holding down the fort back at the ranch!

i only went out to get theraflu and nyquil...the theraflu quieted my death rattle for a bit, but i knew i needed the big guns in order to get any rest. i took a shot of the good stuff and slept like a dream. when i woke up on thursday i swear that i hacked up at least one of my lungs. that stuff doesn't like to settle while you sleep. i took yesterday off as well and hunkered down beneath my pendleton and worked from my blackberry. i even participated (although sadly) in a conference call. last night, another shot of nyquil and today voila! well, almost...the death rattle is still rattling...

thank goodness i see annie tomorrow! a few needles in the face and i am sure i will be nearly 100%. i have to feel better...i have a good friend coming into town tomorrow, brunch on sunday and a few other things that i am looking forward to...we shall see...

so happy it's friday...even if i was only in the office for 3 days this week...all of that coughing and nose blowing was a lot of work!

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