last night was craft night. i adore craft night. we took full advantage of j's enormous patio and carved pumpkins! we hadn't been able to get together in what felt like months...it might have only been one month. even that was too long!
we had so much to talk about. j opened a beautiful bottle of red wine and ordered hot wings (chicken and tofu) and we just started gabbing. l is recently engaged and has a new job, little baby b is walking and m, j is training mimi to use the toilet and once he does that i might be taking his apartment, ah just looks fabulous and gave us some southern cooking tips, dd is just as silly as always and i am not bursting into tears anymore! let's raise our glasses to all of these things!
after munching on uncountable wings it was time to roll up our sleeves and carve some pumpkins! m and dd watched and gave creative input when asked...l went crazy and did a double sided jack o' latern, j stayed traditional, ah mimicked her pumpkin face when i told her my most ridiculous dating story to date. it was a doozie and each time i told it the reactions made it worth the experience. i made my little guy very suave and gave him a smoke at l's request...i also spray painted some baby pumpkins and drove half of the group indoors due to the fumes.
craft night has become a haven...a time to sit around with friends, drink wine, eat cupcakes, craft, not craft, and just laugh or cry or talk seriously...it's whatever we want it to be and most of all it is happiness.
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