my nutritionist had recommended that i lay off of heavy physical activity with the adrenal fatigue. i shouldn't admit this, but i didn't mind not heading to the gym 4 days a week. after a two month gym hiatus i have been easing back in...i started with the recumbent bike and would watch american idol or the real housewives...it was an hour of "the fat kid workout." i would flirt with the rowing machine, which used to be one of my favorite ways to zone out for 30 minutes and to kick my own ass, i would swing by the 5 pound weights and do a few squats and lunges and maybe even hang out with the medicine balls. i have been doing a little yoga here and there--sometimes hitting a yoga studio and sometimes working on my personal practice which is looking incredibly pathetic at the moment. well, not last night...last night i went to the sweatiest place on earth: spin class! i did it all and it felt good...it felt really good!
i fully expected to be limping around this morning...not so! i thought my legs would be aching and i would barely be able to climb down from the loft...nope! the only thing that was keeping me in bed is this rain. mother nature is surely joking. what is going on?
the only way to combat this kind of weather is to put on your ass kicking boots, turn the ipod up to maximum volume with a little phoenix or passion pit, put a swing in your step and show the rain who is boss. you can't slink through this weather. you can hate the hell out of it, but it is surely not going to defeat me! my eyes might be the puffiest they have ever been from massive amounts of allergies but no way, no how, uh-uh...this rain will not get me down. it's almost spring...i swear.
here is the little bee girl that i pass each day on my way to work. she was my ray of sunshine today.
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