sf has been lovely this time around...gorgeous weather, great crew, beautiful locations, sweetest client.
we have had great meals...the image that looks a little messy was lamb at quince...the sushi is from sushi ran in sausalito. i love that place. super chill with just amazing fish. j, jlo and i had such fun. i love that they let me do the ordering from sake to hand rolls. mmmmmmm...
quince was super yummy too, but a totally different experience. it was formal and we arrived in jeans and our black shirts. b and i were super grumps when we arrived. everyone in the restaurant was in jacket and tie...some women were full-on in their lbj's...not us. i am pretty sure they put us the back for a reason. didn't matter...couldn't get us down.
tonight is the wrap dinner...i am exhausted and could use a basic salad and an hour in the gym, but can't pass up the slanted door!
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