last night i was able to catch up with my uber talented friend, dane. he is one of the most inspiring young photographers that i have encountered. i have known dane for nearly 7 years. i have seen him go from master printer to digital tech to shooting for vogue to doing his own thing. he is constantly reinventing his work.
he has such a unique perspective and i think it's because he is an absolute purist. shooting film is a dying art...dane is keeping this art alive, if only for himself. it's pretty unreal what he does. it might look incredibly simple, but this is where the beauty is. it's not about the big production...it's about the subject and capturing her just so. his composition is impeccable.
dane has been working on a project with ballerinas for the past 8 years...he felt like it was time for a change and his new project is called fashionmentary (fashion + documentary.) i could barely pronounce it when i first read it...i really had to sound it out. brought me back to my kindergarten teacher roots.
this new project is following many different people in their daily lives and then having them write a little something. some of the subjects are models, gallerists, artists...people with a clear perspective and who i am guessing are fashionable. dane has always been a bit of a nonconformist. he hasn't ever pursued photography for financial gain...i think it's more of a love affair and it is so apparent in his images.
dane has always been my ramen buddy with the occasional taco bell thrown in for good measure...i can't have ramen anymore, so dane recommended one of my other favorites that i have written about before...bibimbop...we headed up to ktown on the early side thinking we would beat the rush. who knew that people would be having dinner at 6:30!?!? it was kind of hilarious. we were asked to pre-order and then were herded to the rear of the restaurant. it was well worth it. yum! a little pinkberry on top...perfect catch-up.
check out dane's project on facebook...sorry cut and paste...again...
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