it's been a fun week of catching up with old friends and hanging out with my steadies. i am so lucky that i often get to work with some of my favorite people. after the shoot yesterday i did a much needed once over on my apartment...i hate dishes...i really hate them...my next place will have a dishwasher...but, j came over and dragged me out to dinner. he's too funny and i love that we can work together all day and then still have something to talk about over dinner...we can even yell at each other on the phone and say we are sorry and never skip a beat.
after a little vietnamese we headed over to the other room to meet up with mj and his gal. i hadn't seen him since the summer, way too long. we used to work together too. sometimes it's difficult to maintain work friendships when someone leaves. something about not passing someone in the hall on a daily basis. mj and i used to hang out all the time and i was so sad to see him go, but knew it was time. he seems so much happier now...maybe it's the job or maybe it's that he is love. either way it warms my heart to have happy friends.
so far a great week...which brings me to this morning. somehow i have become a morning person. not sure how this happened. i have been going to bed (and not sleeping) incredibly early and then waking up before my alarm. it's been nice to have some extra time in the morning. i really love getting dressed...and i mean a little dressed up too. i feel better in something that's a little fancy. be it heals with jeans or a full on mommy drinks ensemble. i believe that your clothes can really change your mood.
sometimes at night i think about what i will wear the next day. i think this is one of those secret single behaviors...i have a few...but we will focus on this one for now. i will go through my closet...pull things out, lay them next to each other...even try them on. i like to experiment with layers and accessories. i tend to keep it pretty simple, but i like it to look right. i have made some bad choices and my day can really be affected by it. i know...a little crazy...maybe it should remain a secret single behavior.
so, i love my black and silver striped dress. it's dressy but has a little edge to it. i feel like i wore it a lot more last year. it's one of the things in my closet that has been there forever and i never tire of it. i saw it last night and thought it was looking a little neglected. i decided that would be my thursday dress and paired it with my giant belt and super simple jill platner earrings.
while i was thinking about it i was also thinking about not wearing tights. it's just been so darn pleasant out. i even got dressed without my tights this morning. i couldn't do it...it's not spring yet! i scoffed at a few women on monday who were tightless...i couldn't walk amongst them after that. i tried...i really wanted to free my legs, but i couldn't break my own rule. so, i met myself in the middle and went with my footless tights. it feels just springy enough.
also, here is a little music that i discovered in my quest for strings...it's classical with a post-rock twist and i am loving it to work to. i just bought the album lantern.
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