last night j and i were walking around, just kind of meandering. i had just done my taxes and was near his office and coaxed him out for drinks before i had to meet some other folks for dinner.
we happened upon this open construction site. there was one man welding and it was just so spectacular. i wish i could show you each individual spark flying and this vast space that was open the street. it was better than performance art. we probably shouldn't have been staring into the light, but it was impossible to look away.
i think i need to break out the good camera and start toting it around. i've been a bit lazy about that. there are so many things to see and sometimes i just can't get to them fast enough or hesitate or am unhappy with the quality of what i do get. i haven't built up enough confidence to just shoot and not care what people think. it's a little intimidating, but most likely all in my head.
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