when did i become a believer in new age healing? this is what my desk looks like today. i didn't arrange this stuff...it is all sitting beside me. my co-worker came in and asked, "what is all of that?" i don't even notice it...so here it goes...that stuff is:
my bag of vitamins (yes, dr. hopps, i am taking my fish oil.)
cayenne pepper
coconut water for hydration
gluten free broth mix
orange juice
smart water x 2
grapefruit given to me by my boss (she must really like me)
vintage nalgene bottle
ocean spray for my sinuses
everything except for the orange juice & the grapefruit is there every day. this is how i get through the day. i love that broth...drink it all day. they order especially for me at the health food store. the vitamins...i swear by them. do they really do anything? shrug. the cayenne i put on EVERYTHING. it's supposed to be good for you. don't ask me why...i can't tell you, top secret. as for the other things they are there and i use them regularly.
tomorrow i am going for my first acupuncture treatment. will this make me happy? i will have to get back to you on that. will i add this to the growing list of new age healing that i subscribe to? i probably don't need to add another thing! i want to try it though. i want to try cupping too and maybe something to balance my energy. see, i really like this new age stuff!
right now these things keep me happy. and that is good enough for me.
I love cayenne. It's one of the best things for the system.