Friday, November 5, 2010

note to self...

when you are feeling like you shouldn't go to your local bar for an after work your gut!

last night i didn't have plans. it was the first night in a while that i wasn't scheduled to meet up with friends. i should have just wandered home and picked up something to eat. i thought maybe i would make some short ribs or a nice salad. alas, the bar called my name and i answered enthusiastically.

i thought i would sit and have one drink and head home. then a few neighborhood friends stopped in. one manhattan was chased with three glasses of wine and before you know it i was drunk texting. i am the worst when it comes to this!!! i need a breathalizer on my phone! can someone please invent this. maybe i just need to know my limits or leave the phone at home.

i am usually diligent about monitoring how much i imbibe. i don't drink every night and when i do drink i am aware when i need to stop. i do know that i left that third glass of wine half full. go me! too bad i didn't go right to sleep as i should have.

the rest is history. getting up this morning was not pleasant. needless to say, do not drink and text. this does not make for a happy morning.

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