Tuesday, May 4, 2010

just one of those days...

that i want to be alone...walking with my giant headphones on and lost in the music somewhere. and really, that's totally fine. the weather is gorgeous and i am wearing one of my favorite slimming springtime dresses. i have a fresh brewed iced tea and the music going in my office. dd and i have our favorite gym class at lunch...so it's all going to be fine and i think the stars agree.

you know when you want to believe in your horoscope? dd and i used to love to read astrology zone. in 2007-2008 we really enjoyed it and then in 2009 susan miller must have had some sort of crisis. i actually think that everyone had some sort of crisis in 2009. every time we read it we both freaked out. d was supposed to be in financial ruins and i was supposed to have crazy health problems...2009 really was not so much fun and maybe it had something to do with the stars, shrug. i was so glad to usher that year out. and i did have some weird health issues...

this morning in my salt bloated stuper i gave in and i read my horoscope...well, it was all good. pretty much all positive. thank you susan miller, we can be friends again. so, today is just one of those days where i know there is a better day around the corner. it's fine, they can't all be good, right?

i'm just going to stick close to the walls today and not put myself too far out there. i am so looking forward to crafting with my ladies on thursday and i guess that c was right, people who have some sort of regular activity planned with friends are 50% happier...also, if you perform 5 random acts of kindness a week you are 40% happier...happier than what, you ask? who knows...just do it...it feels good.

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